Returns the list of sub folders in the specified path in short form.


Visual Basic (declaration)
Public Function GetFolders1( _ 
ByVal AuthenticationTicket as String, _ ByVal Path as String) as XmlNode

C# (declaration)
public XmlNode GetFolders1( 
string AuthenticationTicket, string Path)


    string infoRouter ticket
    string An infoRouter folder path

Return Value

returns xml fragment.
<response success="true" error="">
if success attribute is "true", the folder list has been retrived successfully like the xml sample below.
if success attribute is "false", the error attribute indicates the encountered error.

<response success="true" error="" folderid="10124" parentid="0" name="Accounting" path="\Accounting" folderfilter="" itemcount="4">
  <f id="10137" n="General Ledger" />
  <f id="10286" n="Incoming Invoices" />
  <f id="10138" n="Payables" />
  <f id="10139" n="Receivables" />


The caller must have at least "List" right on the folder.