infoRouter Manual Website / Virtual Directory Creation

Creating index server catalog manually
Creating index server catalog manually
Creating index server catalog manually
Creating index server catalog manually
Creating index server catalog manually
Creating index server catalog manually
Creating index server catalog manually
Creating index server catalog manually

Important Note About Remote Warehouse Locations:

When the infoRouter warehouse is on a remote server, you must use an impersonation account. This account must have at least “read” rights to the warehouse so it can properly index the entire warehouse directory.

Make sure that the account you use is a valid account on the remote server or a domain account that the server can identify.

If your warehouse is on a NAS configured in a such a way that the disk drive appears as though it is a local drive to infoRouter, you may be able to use the disk without an impersonation account.

Creating index server catalog manually
Creating index server catalog manually
Creating index server catalog manually
Creating index server catalog manually
Creating index server catalog manually
Creating index server catalog manually
Creating index server catalog manually

Adding new iFilters:

If you add iFilters after the fact, doing a re-scan will NOT work. You MUST rebuild the index server catalog.

Known Issues regarding iFilters:

The Adobe iFilter (64bit) is known to have an issue indexing PDF documents on remote warehouse locations. Please use a 3rd party iFilter is your warehouse is on a remote server.

Accessing MS Server Catalogs On a Different Server:

The Index server catalog does not have to be on the same server as infoRouter.You can access index server catalogs on a different server by changing the WHINDEX entry in the infoRouter web.config file.

Normally the entry for the warehouse catalog would look something like this:

<add key="INDEXCATALOG" value="WHINDEX" />

The warehouse catalog entry for remote servers would look something like this: